Brins Ridge Mar 10

P3305474   BRINS RIDGE P3305475   We start at the Jordan Road trailhead, as before... P3305476 P3305478   .//And head up onto Brins Mesa. Here is a tree with a gall.
P3305479 P3305480 P3305481 P3305482
P3305483 P3305484   Our objective as seen from Brins Mesa: the height to the right of the "picnic table" P3305485 P3305486   Looking south
P3305487 P3305488   We first head right, to the high end of the mesa P3305489 P3305490   This leads us to a good break spot overlooking Sedona West Side
P3305491   ...with equally spectacular views just across from us P3305492 P3305493 P3305494
P3305495 P3305496 P3305497 P3305498
P3305499 P3305501 P3305502   We now make our way back across the mesa... P3305503
P3305504   ...past the trail we came up, then on to Brins Ridge P3305505 P3305506 P3305507   A steep climb to the spine of the ridge
P3305508 P3305509 P3305510 P3305511   This means frequent stops for water
P3305512 P3305513 P3305514 P3305515   On top!
P3305516 P3305517 P3305519 P3305520
P3305521   We make our way south along the ridge to the point overlooking town P3305522 P3305523 P3305524
P3305525 P3305526 P3305528 P3305529
P3305530 P3305531 P3305532   At the point, we break for lunch P3305533
P3305534 P3305536 P3305537 P3305538
P3305539 P3305540 P3305541 P3305542
P3305543 P3305544 P3305545   Heading back down P3305546